Sunday, February 4, 2007

The comic and the musicain

February 3rd - noon-2PM
Lilycat on Stuff

It was great. Mike Spiegelman came on and told jokes and was either trying to complement me or make me blush me - it was hard to say. We did talk alot about people we know doing shows in SF and popcorn Anti theatre - I kept trying to stop and explain it well for listeners out there who don't know these folks.

Then at 1PM Eric McFadden came in - he was great intelligent, funny, talented, and so nice to look at. We talked about his musical history (he started playing in bands at age 11), about his new CD and tour, his new van, life on the road about his favourite and some less favourite folks, and his tattoos. Spiegelman asked some good questions of Eric.

We played alot of Eric's stuff and tried to find a 'White Trash Debutant' song on CD - but the numbering seemed to be off. I wanted to play WTD cause Jennifer Blowdryer was going to come but couldn't make it.

I did PSA on getting itches checked out, being nice to artists and not throwing stuff at them, and the Third Street Light Rail...
--- And talked about how the weather (natural diaster in FL) and the war (121 killed in suicide bomb in Baghdad) suck and about that man that got arrested then off for obscene language in a town hall meeting. He said "god damn"

The songs we played while looking for the 'White Trash Debutant' song:
"Cock Ring for Christmas" - Best Revenge
"I Fucked your Boyfriend" - Nick Name and the Normals

Also, played various songs off of Eric McFadden Trio - 'Joy of Suffering' CD

More info about the guests at:
Eric MacFadden -
Mike Spiegelman -

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