Tuesday, February 27, 2007

O' god or something like him

Lily Cat on Stuff – February 24th, 2007 – 12PM- 2PM
The Religion I was raised with ….
Interviews with:
-- Tony raised Jehovah's Witnesses,
--Raina Bird raised in the ‘Community’ – a cult run by a fat, bald man, who had 9 wives and thought he was a divinity,
---and via phone Kyria Abrahams writing a memoir about growing up as a Jehovah's Witnesses called "I'm Perfect, You’re Doomed"

It was an amazing show I learned so much about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the ‘cummunity’, and cults in general. We covered both the bad, strangem and good of both religions; and talked people’s need for community which often leads them to follow various religions and cults.

The Jehovah's Witnesses – don’t like their followers making friends outside the religion, are anti – masturbation and blood transfusions

The ‘Community’ had their followers wear white, meditate a lot, was against sex for his followers, but for sex for himself (often with his followers), and had his followers name their children stuff like “Nova” and “Bagel”

To find out more about the Jehovah's Witnesses- http://jw-media.org/

We played:
“My own Personal Jesus” – Bomb
“Jesus got High” – Budderball
“Kiss my Son of God” – They might be Giants
“He, Rodger Williams“ - Slim Cessna’s Auto Club

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