Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Libertarians have their say

Lily Cat on Stuff – April 7th, 2007 – 12PM- 2PM
The Libertarians have their say
Interview with:

He gave us the skinney on the Libertarian party, their views on stuff, and what they are up too.

“What is a Libertarian?

Let's start with Webster's definition:

Libertarian: A person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action. Capitalized: a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles.

Libertarians believe in, and pursue, personal freedom while maintaining personal responsibility. The Libertarian Party itself serves a much larger pro-liberty community with the specific mission of electing Libertarians to public office.

Libertarians strongly oppose any government interfering in their personal, family and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.

In a nutshell, we are advocates for a smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.”

PLAYLIST (Punk & Showtunes – not in order):
Happytones – “I Hate Republicians, 2004”
The Evens – “Dinner with the President”
Rev. Horton Heat – “Bails of Cociane”
Dead Kennrdys – “Holiday inCambodia” and “Pull my String”
Chicago Soundtrack – “When you are good to Mama” and “Cell Block Tango”
BatBoy Soundtrack – “Apology to a Cow” and “Children, Children”
Henry Rollins & Chuck D – “Rise Above”
Minute Men – “Joe McCarthy’s Ghost” and “Bob Dylan Wrote a Propaganda Song”

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